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Cooper and Smyth is Many Things

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It is an Offering of Respect

Craftsmen, makers, creators, creatives, artisans all are different names for people who take a little, or a lot of, themselves and share it with the world.  The mediums may vary but at the core it is the same.  The need to share eats at them and they can't be happy until they have manifested... something, good or bad.  This is my way of honoring them.  Of presenting them to the world or at least my own little part of it. They deserve it.  There is a lot of fear, and sweat, and time and tears and money and effort all to bring forth that which they must.  

It is a Dream

First of all it is a dream.  

My dream to be exact.  I have always had an affinity for artisan goods.  Be it clothing, tchotchkes, pens, notebooks (I love notebooks), bags, hats, and all kinds of obscure-o-rama.  I have also loved brick and mortar retail.  I like stores, i like window shopping and seeing people's creations.  So it just makes sense that I would want something that combines the two.  A place that I could offer my own and other craftsmen's creations and someplace that I could curate and collate items that catch my eye.  

It is a Gateway of Acquisition

Yes, there is a e-commerce aspect to this site.  Around these here parts we call it the Mercantile.  I like that term.  It reminds me of general stores of old and textiles and all kinds of old school hipstery-ness that I have loved since a time pre handlebar mustache renaissance.  A time that predates terms like "lumber sexual" and beard accoutrement.  I have to admit for all the eye rolling inspiration that I find in the hipster crowd, I have to tip my cap to the work and craft that they have reenergized.  I also have to acknowledge the authenticity that exists within that domain.  It isn't ubiquitous, but it is  present.  Just leave the pretentiousness at home with the beard wax.  

Oh yeah we are offering some stuff here, sorry for the tangent. 

It is a Home

It is our little digital place to hang our hat.  Like many homes it is sure to improve and grow as time goes by.  As we live, learn, grow, and experience new things.  We welcome you and we welcome your input.  Now to be clear this isn't Camp Dowhatyouwant.  We do have a few rules but they really can be summed up by the Golden Rule of Treat Other How You Wish to be Treated.  Comment on the blog posts, review any products that we offer, email us with ideas we love the interaction!  

So come on in, grab a cocktail, have a seat and kick up your heels.  Just don't kick the dog.

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